Top 5 Best gifts for Chrismas 2022
Christmas is just arountd the corner and you might be still in limbo about what to buy your favorite friends and relative this Christmas. And to top it off we are currently going through a recession. So I know those wallets are hard to open. To make matters worst, we are not sure what will take place next year. After all the former richest man in the world has just warned us to stay away from purchasing unnecessary items this holiday season. So of course a lot is going on. We are preparing for the worst but in the same token hoping for the best. It is certainly not a great position to be in. Nevertheless we still want to gift our love ones with something special this Christmas. So I will take the load off guessing , especially for the ones that are difficult to shop for. You know we all have some of those people in our lives. That said, here are the top 5 best gifts for Christmas 2022.
1. Alexa

There are a few reasons why Alexa is the best gift to buy this Christmas. It’s not only easy to set up but it’s compatible with most existing smart home products. It also has an impressive range of features that can be used for everything from playing music and making calls to ordering food and controlling your smart home devices. Plus, it sounds pretty good too! Alexa has more than 25,000 skills available on its app store—and more are being added every day. So if you’re looking for something specific, there’s a good chance that what you’re looking for exists already (or will soon). If not, ask Alexa to find it for you!
2. Apples Watch

You know what they say: every apple a day keeps the doctor away. In this case, however, it’s an apple watch that can keep you connected to your friends and family even when you’re not around them—and it doesn’t involve picking up any rotten fruit from the ground! The Apple Watch has undergone multiple upgrades since its introduction in 2015 and is still going strong as a top-notch wearable device. From built-in cellular connectivity and health monitoring apps to fitness tracking capabilities and music downloads, there are plenty of reasons why we’d recommend anyone interested in tech gifts go for this one. But don’t worry if your gift recipient isn’t into Apple products yet; there are plenty of great alternatives out there like Fitbit Versa Lite Edition Smart Watch Black Small (Small), Fossil Gen 4 Smartwatch With Touchscreen Display And Step Counter Grey/Black Leather Band And Stainless Steel Case (Medium) or Garmin Vivomove HR Activity Tracker with Activity Monitoring Heart Rate Monitor Sleep Tracking Smartwatch Rose Gold Silicone Band And Stainless Steel Case (Large).
3. pro-gaming consoles

Gaming is a big deal, and it’s only getting bigger. So if you don’t wanna look like a total dung-heap this Christmas, here are some of the best gaming consoles on the market.
The PS4 — This console was first released in 2013 and has since become the most popular system on the market, with roughly 80 million units sold worldwide. It’s also got some pretty sweet exclusives like Horizon: Zero Dawn (2017), Spiderman (2018) and God of War (2018). If you’re more into indie games or multiplayer experiences then this might be for you!
The XBOX ONE — Microsoft’s answer to Sony’s PS4 is slightly older than its competitor but still holds its own against newer releases such as Red Dead Redemption II (2018). Its biggest advantage over other consoles is its compatibility with Windows 10 PCs which means any games downloaded onto your computer will work seamlessly when connected via HDMI cable. This makes it easy for those who don’t want another screen taking up space in their living room but still want access to everything from Steam marketplace content without interruption while playing Fortnite Battle Royale alone on their laptop while watching Netflix upstairs while simultaneously eating ice cream cones upside down because they’re just so chill about life sometimes; also because they have special plastic utensils that don’t melt like regular spoons do when placed directly over an open flame…
4. Clothes and Shoes

Shoes and clothes are great gifts. You can give them to anyone and they’re relatively inexpensive, especially if you know what they like. And who doesn’t like clothes and shoes? They’re a gift that keeps on giving, too—once the recipient has worn out their first pair, they’ll have another pair waiting for them under the tree!
The only downside to shoes and clothes is that they’re so personal—it’s hard to guess someone else’s size right off the bat. There are plenty of guides out there that explain how to measure the body in order to find out what size someone wears (and then whether or not it fits), but if you’re having trouble getting a perfect match, consider buying some socks instead of shoes or one size clothes. And since we are all facing some degree of financial difficulty right now, it would be nice to find clothes and shoes that are trendy but wont exacerbate your financial health. Pretty Findz is a great online shop that provides just that. Even with the shipping cost, it seems as if you still pay less than the retail cost. Now that’s a pretty sweet deal.
5. New iphone

If you’re looking for a gift that is sure to please, then we’d highly recommend the new Apple iPhone. The latest version offers all the same functionality as previous models with some welcome upgrades (like longer battery life and a faster processor). Plus it comes in an assortment of colors: white, black, gold and silver.
So there you have it—the top 5 best gifts for Christmas 2022!
We hope you have found this guide useful and that it has helped you to find the perfect gift for your friends and family. Whether it’s a birthday or Christmas present, there is something for everyone in our list. There are so many great gifts out there that will suit any budget too!
These are great ideas! Thanks for sharing!