We all have different coping skills based on our zodiac sign and this pandemic has come to test those skills. While we are all in quarantine some signs will take advantage of this free time that we now have and others will sit around, lament and complain, some will be worried while others won’t. It’s not unusual, we are all different and we do things differently. That being said find out how your sign will cope and which one will emerge with new skills and which one will just be happy that it’s all over. And while we wait for this virus to pass, there are important lessons that can be learned. Pay attention!

Air Signs
Geminis (May 21 – Jun. 21) are busy trying to make use of time. Because let’s be real, they never have enough of it. They are venturing in new areas and because they are quite intelligent and has great verbal and written communication skills, they are busy trying to find the next gig and/or making networking connections. Geminis are trying to come out of quarantine with a new skill. Let’s hope they come out with a new attitude too because they don’t seem to understand that attitude determines your altitude. The thing is, they don’t stick with anything too long. They get bored and need to seek out new arenas. You know what else gemini will be doing? Quarantine Therapy. One thing for sure though, they are not too worried about corona as they are busy trying to make their lives better.
Libras (Sept. 22 – Oct. 21) are definitely missing the social life. They will be on the phone all day. Because if they can’t be with you in person they will find other ways. Libra like companionship and hates being alone. They like to socialize and talk talk talk to who they like. If they don’t like you, you would believe that they are shy and withdrawn, but that is because they don’t like you or they see you as a threat. Libras are also busy being creative and they’re having lots of fun doing it. They are good at taking on a new self and making you believe that’s who they are, so even though they might be worried, only they will know. They will be the ones providing all the entertainment during quarantine and of course they will be using social media to do it. While most signs will be coming out of quarantine with a new skill, Libra will be coming out with lots of new friends because everyone will remember how they kept them entertained.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) may have started off quarantine in an unhappy mood but sooner than later this sign will start looking within and start to question themselves as to why they are allowing themselves to be consumed by what’s going on. They will then get out of their funk and become the happy-go-lucky people that they are. Aquarians don’t have great time management skills as they procrastinate and do everything later. The upside, they are really good at working under pressure so somehow whatever they plan to do, it will be done and done well. Aquarians are also very intelligent and like to surprise people, so never count them out, they have the tendency to creep up and take over and you never saw it coming. Rest assured that although they wont use their time wisely during quarantine, they will still have something to show post quarantine. You will just have to wait and see what that is because they don’t even know it. Maybe you can ask them later.

Earth Signs
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) the workaholic will be you guest it – working away. Similar to Scorpio, they will be very busy. This is the time to put in the work for that passion that’s deep within them. They are scared but you won’t see it. Remember, Capricorn does not like unpredictability, so not knowing when this will be over is silently killing them. They will definitely be keeping abreast of new information too by watching the news or reading about the disease. As stated before, they don’t like uncertainty so they want to know what to do and how to do it in order to ensure they don’t catch the virus. They will be following all protocols and making sure you do too. Capricorn will also be busy innovating ways on how they can capitalize on this situation so that they will never be broke again as being broke is one of their greatest fear. Rest assured, Capricorn will not be wasting time like Aquarius, instead they will be coming out of quarantine a whole new person ready to make more money.
Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20) likes the finer things in life so during this time they will be missing the restaurants and the roof top patios. Alternatively, they are also very homey and will definitely make use of their time at home. Taurus is extremely family oriented so they will be cooking or learning to cook. Taurus enjoys a slow lifestyle and are known to be quite lazy too, so they will just be taking it easy listening to music, meditating, catching up on their favorite TV shows and drinking expensive wines until this crisis is all over. They will need all of this since they most likely will be the most stressed of all the signs. Yes, Taurus will be stressed not just because there is a pandemic but also because money will be going out more than it’s coming in. Taurus, especially the males will definitely be thinking about Ponzi Schemes to make money quick. Taurus like to leech off friends and families too, so they will be expecting you to pay for everything so that they can save their money. So it’s 50/50 for Taurus, some will be coming out of quarantine with fast ideas to make money and others will come out as leeches.
Virgo (Aug. 22 – Sept. 21) is an over-thinker, so they will probably be spending most of this time analyzing and thinking how to get through this. They might even develop panic attacks because of how overwhelming it is. Rest assured that if you are not close to them, you will not be seeing any of this. Virgo have the tendency to behave as if everything is ok because they don’t want a pity party. They definitely wont have problem with washing their hands so may times, it’s something they are used to. They will also have all the necessary cleaning and pampering products. They are the reason you can’t find any in-store, oh and Capricorn too. You know what else they will have, a bottle of wine. A bottle? I mean bottles of wine/alcohol. And that will be paired with some great books and since we are in a pandemic, they will be reading books about pandemics/epidemics/plagues and the likes. They can’t help themselves. Well Virgo will be coming out of this as an expert in pandemics, so you can ask them all the questions when this is over.

Fire Signs
Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19) love to learn so they probably will be doing some free online course. Aries are probably the ones out there taking all the chances. They are such risk takers and they have no fear. I swear they are ones spreading the virus to everyone. They like challenges, not sure how they are going to challenge corona though. They are busy bodies, so they will find something to do. Whether it’s research, deep cleaning, taking an online course, they will find it. They too will have their alcohol nearby. You can bet Aries will be having fun with this as they are actually fun-loving people. Aries will definitely be coming out of quarantine with new skills, yes skills. While most signs will be coming out with one, Aries will have a few, because they will be representing for the whole family.
Leos (Jul. 22 – Aug. 21) are very upbeat. During this time, they will be a shoulder to lean on for many, especially Pices and Cancer. They will be reminding everyone that it will be ok, things will get better. Leo likes flattery, attention and accolades so this is their most favorite times to show a lot of love as they know they will be getting a lot of attention in return. They wont mind if it’s fake either, love is love, and they love it. Leos are also very smart so they will come up with ways on how to deal with these situations and they will be busy providing good advice to whoever gives them hears. They are also very innovative so they will definitely be coming out of quarantine with new ideas and plans to delegate to others. Yeah you know how Leos love to delegate. Leos will be very busy during this time. Either they are putting people’s fear at ease or they are formulating ideas that will move us forward.
Sags (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) are optimistic and are seldom pessimistic. Be sure to leave your pessimism aside when dealing with them. Despite what is going on right now, Sags are busy planning for brighter days, they are busy looking for excitement and anything that will take their minds away from the current situation. They will focus on the brighter side. Sags are always looking ahead, that is exactly what they are doing during this global crisis, finding a way to cope with it like it’s not even there. They will be researching and reading everything that crosses their vision. Sags are also looking for ways to capitalize financially, so they will definitely have their eyes on stocks right now. Sags are generally armed with a lot of information and will be coming out of quarantine with even more. Let’s hope they use it rather than just regurgitating it to others.

Water Signs
Shake My Head (SMH), Pices (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20) just want to lock away and come out when this is all over. They hate what is going on, they are afraid and their only request is that it comes to an end. They will be in their dreamland, dreaming to hear these word, “It’s over, you can come out from hibernation now Pices.” They tend to go with the flow though so if family members and friends are upbeat, they will become upbeat too. The opposite is also true. So let’s hope Pices have some good people around them during these challenging times. And because they will be constantly hoping and praying for this to be over, don’t expect them to come out of quarantine with a new skill, unless of course they are surrounded by others who are keeping busy. They will be very good at praying though, which is not a bad thing after all. Once everything is all over they will return to working on improving their previous skills or building new ones. Gotta love them though as they are one of the sweetest sign.
Cancer (Jun. 22 – Jul. 21) is busy caring for their loved ones. They are the ones that will be so worried about this crisis but they dare not show that worry to their loved ones because they don’t want them worrying. So although they will be scared as heck, they will not show it. Deep down they really want this to be over and may even be thinking the worst but they will put on a brave face and remind you that there is nothing to worry about. Don’t forget, Cancers are the worriers of the zodiac. Cancer is a very caring sign, if you have one as your doctor or nurse, you will be in great hands. Cancer may not be coming out of quarantine with new skills but they certainly will be coming out with lots of accolades because this is their time to shine and show what the power of caring can do. So although a new skill may not be on the table for cancer, a promotion may definitely be there.
Scorpio (Oct. 22 – Nov. 21) This never gives up sign is working away as usual. They will go back and forth to being brave one day and collapsing the other. It will be day by day for them as they feel very deeply and care very deeply. They have a tendency to venture on the dark side as they often anticipate the worst outcomes. They will be taking all the herbs, the medicines, drinking all the chicken soup because Scorpio generally prepares for the worst. You will even hear them saying that they think they have corona. Nevertheless, Scorpio is a very hard working sign so you guest it, they will be working away, doing whatever they can to stay busy. They probably wont be learning a new skill but they definitely will be improving the skills they currently have. And that’s fine too. As Scorpio is very secretive, they will not be letting you in on what they are doing, you will only see the end result and when that times arrives, they will tell you all about it. This sign will be one of the busiest sign during quarantine.
For all the signs
The corona virus to say the least has disrupted all human activities. Despite the disruption, it will come to an end and when it does, I hope that we will all emerge with strength and vitality to carry us through the-however-many-years we may need to overcome the impact of corona. Happy quarantining! Until next time my friends keep calm, blog on and be sure to share this one.