I love asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because I am still looking for ideas. So is it possible to be anything you want to be?
Is it possible to be anything you want to be? All grown up but you are still trying to figure out what to do with your life. Is this you? And to make matters worse everyone including your third cousin is on your case. Children are certainly inspirations and their thoughts on what they would like to become are often grandiose simply because they are so full of life and hope and the world has not gotten an opportunity to reap havoc on their beliefs or their way of thinking. Children are always so excited to tell you what they want to become and some children actually become that.
I remember asking my little sister at the age of seven what she wanted to become when she got older and she said a Nurse, and surprisingly, she is currently a Registered Nurse. My other sister wanted to become a Veterinarian, and she is currently in Architecture. I feel she would’ve been a great vet, based on the way she cares for her cat. I remember when I was a child growing up, I wanted to become a Bank Teller, but what I became was a Social Worker. At the time, I remembered wanting to become a Bank Teller because whenever I went to the bank with my mom, I would watch in awe at how much money the tellers received. So my little mind thought all that money is for the teller, I wanted to become a teller. Not only that, they dressed so well.
So as kids we want to be many things, but as we grow through life we realize that some of those things are either not interesting or just simply not happening. The irony is we are told that we can become whatever we want as children but we were never told about the hills that some would have to climb to achieve those goals. It’s great to believe that you can and I feel that parents should ensure that they instill an “I can” attitude in their children so that when they are faced with ups and downs in life, their mindset will pull them through. We are all taught that we can become anything we want, but we are not taught how unfair the world is and how opportunity is sometimes reserved for a selected few. We are not taught how to deal with challenges that comes with being different by virtue of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and the likes.

As we get older, we begin to see the world in a different light, a light that is sometimes dimmed. And all those I-can-become-anything, begins to fade. We come to the realization, that we don’t all get the same treatment and the same opportunities. So while in adulthood we may be unsure of our path because of our own doings, some are unsure because of the world doings. So parents this is why it is imperative to help your children develop confidence and a never-give-up attitude because they will need it.
You were told that you could become anything but people got in your way because of their hatred or just plain wickedness. So all the “you can become anything” sometimes only apply to certain children. I didn’t want to be dull here. But this is the fact of life. And of course those are indeed some of the twist and turns that the journey of life takes you on. And if you are not strong, these twist and turns can easily complicate your life and leave you at a point where you are an adult and are still trying to make a decision of what to do with your life.
So let’s just live in a dream world for a moment and imagine that everyone has equal opportunity. At what age should your mind be made up in terms of what you want to do in life? And if your mind is not made up by this particular age, are you now a failure? Well to start, you’re not a failure. I hope that gives you some hope. And even if you believe you have failed, remember not to be afraid of the F word. Not all of us run at the same pace. While you might reach your definition of success at 30 someone else might meet it at 40 or even older.

We all have different experiences in life and what some people actually endure, others will crumble. So be thankful when you have it easy because many don’t. We also have different definition of success but the world seems to have only one. And not surprisingly, we often live according to the world’s definition. It’s never too late to start over. So long as you are alive and hopefully well, you get a new opportunity to begin again and improve on what you are currently doing. We can’t do anything without health, so take care of your body so that your body can take care of you.
As I said before, we all run at different pace, some people are fast, and some are a bit slower. Just remember, the race is not for the swift but those who can endure to the end. Your endurance, your determination, your will to be better, your desire for progress, these are the things that will energize you to develop discipline and ultimately achieve your goals. You must have goals and a deadline for those goals. If you don’t, what will you be working on, how will you plan? When will you achieve them?
It’s frustrating now because you are an adult and remember what they say about adulthood, let me refresh your memory, they say, it’s the worst “hood” to live in LOL. Adulthood is not easy, especially when you are unprepared. It gets even more difficult when you see that your age-mates have surpassed you, or those who are younger have caught up and have surpassed you. If you are an ambitious person it can become very depressing. But despite all that is going on, try maintaining your focus on your own lane. Don’t allow other people’s success to cloud your path by way of envy or comparison. The most important thing here is to keep trying, never stop trying. So although adulthood is the worst hood to live in, if you prepare yourself, set goals and try your very best to achieve them, you might just move out the hood and into the suburbs.

The truth is adulthood is difficult, and then you have to by a particular age figure out at what point in your life you would like to engage this difficulty. The thought of this may cause you to postpone adulthood, but at what cost? Sometimes people are just not ready for growing up. So is there a particular age, where-in when you arrive at that age you have to have all your plans about your career path ready? What age should that be? 25? 30? Never? I am not sure. What I know though is that if you want to live a prosperous life, you have to come to terms with preparing for adulthood, you can’t keep postponing it by way of laziness or fear.
The truth is, by certain age you have to get going or you will get left behind. This may be one of those areas in your life where (all things being equal) time is of the essence. And we all know that time waits on no man. So in fact, I do believe that by a certain age you should at least have an idea what you want to do or else as I said before, life would simply just pass you by. And trust me, you don’t want life to pass you by.
I work with clients who are basically on social assistance and I see firsthand of what life looks like when it has passed you by. I see the frustration, I see the hopelessness, I see when they have entirely given up and I see how lack of preparation can set the stage for failure down the road. Believe me, it is not a good look and it won’t look good on you either.

The problem is we waste so much time in our youth, not realizing that we will never get it back. We somehow have this unsubstantiated belief that because we are young we have so much time. What we often don’t take in account is that anything worthwhile will also take a lot of time to develop and grow. So all that time you are wasting or have wasted, you will realize how salient it was. I know we all mature differently and at different times but time waits for no man and you should also make hay while the sun shines.
We all need money to survive in this life. That’s the way it is and it’s mighty difficult to go around it. Money often comes legally by way of working for someone or working for yourself. Working for someone requires you to meet their conditions, working for yourself requires many personal sacrifices. Either way you need to be ready, or you may fall prey to illegal ways of earning money, especially if you feel that life has passed you by. So if this is you and you are still looking for ideas, stop postponing, start planning and preparing yourself today. Here are 6 kick ass tips to help you plan and achieve your goals.
Whatever life has sent your way (providing you still have somewhat of a sound mind), it can be corrected with a strong mindset, a kickass determination and a desire to make it no matter what. They don’t teach these skills in school. Unfortunately they are left to life, which in my opinion can be a very rough teacher. The end result, some pass with flying colours, some fail miserably and most of us, well, we are getting by. Remember, time is of the essence here, we don’t live forever, don’t let time pass you by. Until next time peeps, keep calm, stay safe and make sure you share this one.

This was really an interesting read. You made some really good points about adulthood and the hardship that people face because school does not teach you how to deal with life’s problems
Thank you
This is awesome! I never thought as a child what I would like to be when I grow up, I still don’t even know haha! but very good points.
I think we can be anything that we set goals for
I liked this post. It gives hope but at the same time it shows the reality of life. So, to be what you want to be, set realistic goals and move toward the big one, step by step. Thanks.