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How to handle the naysayers in your life

“The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it”

This is so true. Have any of those naysayers in your life? Those who just feel everything is impossible and then have the nerves to tell you that whatever you’re doing or about to do is also impossible. This is when you have to block them with some Ludacris “mooove get out the way, get out the way, mooove.” Seriously though, get out the way, let the movements begin.

Give it a try

Let’s not fool ourselves though, some things can seem mere impossible. But you really don’t know until you try. Others are just plain impossible, like disappearing or stealing somebody’s sexy body and putting it on your not-so-sexy body. LOL. Imagine that was possible? So in fact, some things are impossible. But that innovative idea you have in mind, that dream that has been re-occurring for quite some time now, that blog that you would like to start, it’s so possible. When people tell you that your dreams and aspirations are impossible, it’s because they are incapable of seeing what you see.

Sight without vision

I was on vacation in Jamaica (a really nice island to visit by the way) and I was passing by a blind institute and it has a really cool saying. I can’t remember the exact words but it goes something like this, the blind cannot see but they have vision. I thought this was so cool. This is what your naysayers are experiencing; sight without vision. They only see as far as the eyes can see but you, you see beyond your existence. Your imagination is filled with ideas, plans, and goals while their is obstructed by incapacity, doubt and fear. So don’t allow their inability to visualize and imagine greatness to overthrow your dreams. After all, your dreams shouldn’t just remain dreams.

You are what you think

The human mind and body can do endless things. As they say, anything you set your mind to, you can achieve. Our body is powered by our minds. You are what you think, you become what you’ve been thinking. Think you can and you will, think you can’t and you wont. The scary part is scientist say that we use approximately ten percent of our brain. What’s happening to the other ninety percent? I would have to consult a neurologist and he/she may not know either because truth is if he/she did, we would know and we certainly would be using it or trying to. I think to some extent; the way we envision things might be part of that 90%. Because how do you see something without ever seeing it?

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Brain Power

There must be some special power or ability since no one saw it but you. For example, the first airplanes, the first cell phones, the laptop that I am currently using to do this blog. The reason we are privileged with these things is because someone used their vision. You see people can see something and build upon it. In other words, upgrade it, make it better. However, when someone can come up with something that does not exist, how did they see that? Are they using part of that 90% portion of the brain? Maybe, maybe not. We know they are using their brain though. LOL

All you can do is try

I was at a restaurant last year (seem like a thing of the pass now) and a robot walked me to my table and served me my food. It was rather peculiar, I must admit, as I much preferred human engagement. Quite frankly, I feel that this is something I will boycott as it contributes to unemployment especially among youths, since they are predominantly hired for these positions. I don’t like anything that possesses the potential to augment unemployment. Nevertheless, the owners of this restaurant have made a decision to try something new; and this is all we can do when we come face to face with impossibility. Your sight might see it as impossible but your vision vows to challenge it and by all mean you should permit it to do so.

Have you ever

Have you ever eaten in complete darkness and served by people who are completely blind? Well I have. Strange right? I wonder what people said to that individual when they were about to start that style of restaurant. I believe it went something like this, “it’s not going to work”, “it will only appeal to people who are blind, who wants to eat in the dark anyways, everybody likes to see their food” and so on so forth. If you are not strong willed you may just surrender that idea. What’s your take on this restaurant? Would you give it a try? Yes, and inside looks just like the photo above – pitch black.

Dreams should not just remain dreams

 I certainly know how it feels to have people dampen your dreams because of their limited scope ability. Sometimes you just want someone to have some faith in you since you may not have it in yourself. Other times we have ideas but we also want someone to believe in those ideas and jump on our bandwagons but when they don’t, it can really put a damper on our dreams. During these times, you have to dig deep within to find that voice that says, keep going, keep grinding, keep pushing forward. We all need that little inner voice to assure us that we are on the right path and we must not give up. Currently as I write this blog, I also have a full time job, a good one with great benefits. Most people would stop there. However, I feel that there is a greater purpose for my life beyond a 9-5. And although I wont give up certain for uncertain just yet, I am going to keep working on this dream that I’m determine to not make remain a dream.

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Let them go

Some days will seem easier than others and you might want to give up, you might be thinking I already have a good job what’s the point, you must remind yourself that you are not the naysayers. That’s how naysayers think. I repeat, you’re not a naysayer. And for those naysayers that you currently have in your life, because we all have them, some of them are quiet and indirect, so learn to read between the lines. Sometimes you have to do the unthinkable and disband yourself from their lives. If not; you may be forced to utilize the jacked up lens they are using and stay within the four walls (anyplace where you want to leave because it doesn’t allow you to grow) you are desperately trying to escape. So get moving on your weird, out-of-the-box ideas as you never know where it will take you. See those things to your left, there is a millionaire smiling right now because he has made it big with them. So don’t allow anyone to dampen you dreams, they are yours and your job is to make them reality.

2020 vision

Pay Attention

Sometimes it’s not the best idea to mentions your dreams and aspiration to others. And as you grow older and wiser you will come to realize who those others are. They come in many forms, friends, family members, spouses, doctors, hairdressers, teachers and the likes. Learn to sift them out or else they will continue to be stumbling blocks and hurdles in your life. Life is already hard enough and must I say somewhat unfair. Opportunities are scarce and sometimes only given to a few. That’s why when it comes knocking whether in your head or at your door, you have to answer it. Naysayers are like opportunity blockers and you should pay them no attention. Make sure you leave them behind or else they will always be in your way. So in the words of T.I, “never mind what haters say, ignore them till they fade away.” Hiring these naysayers can also be challenging. So, if you’re an employer and you are thinking of hiring people, make sure they not only have sight, but more importantly vision. And for those seeking employment, if an employer asked you where do you see yourself in the next five, ten years, answer with your vision and not your sight.

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It will happen

 All the developments, innovations and advancements that we see today all started with a thought, that became ideas, that were put into action and became real. Remember don’t allow these ideas to just remain in your heads, that is where the naysayers want you to keep them. Put them into action and work on them every single day.  Remember, it doesn’t matter how slow you go, so long as you don’t stop. One day it will pay off.  And don’t mind those naysayers, your ideas are really big and because they wouldn’t be able to execute it, doesn’t mean you can’t. Use them as a motivator to challenge yourself out of your comfort zone. It’s scary for you too, the only difference is you’ve made a decision to try.

Prove them wrong

In the end, you’ll prove every single one of them wrong. You will have your nice house, your nice car, go on your nice vacation and maybe you will have your nice person too, fingers crossed. Cause I’m sure you may not want to do this alone. To get those nice material things, you certainly have to work hard. Don’t forget to work on yourself too so that nice person will enjoy being with you.  So after all, the naysayers can’t see what you see, and as a result, you should never be blinded by their limited vision. And because you’ve made up your mind to just do it, hopefully they will have the integrity to not interrupt you. Until next time pepes, keep calm, stay strong and make sure you share this one.


Come with me on this inspirational journey. I bring positive vibes and motivating words to inspire, empower and uplift your spirit.

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Theresa

    Thanks for this article. I’ve never enjoyed naysayers or overly opinionated people. I believe everyone should try something if they want to!

  2. Joel Robertson

    This is so inspirational. Lots of great points. I really like how you explain the difference between sight and vision. Very nicely written

  3. Matthew Steele

    Another one (DJ Khalid voice) You’re spot on. Can’t stand people who think your ideas are whack just because they have no vision or people who believe when you reach a certain age, certain things are behind you. Love this though

  4. Rosalie

    This post is on point. It is all about our vision. Staying focused and putting in the work is how we make it happen! My blog (Musings from the Rose) gives vision board and goal setting advice to help people stay on track. It’s refreshing to find another blogger breathing life into people’s dreams. Keep up the great work!
    Rosalie would like you to read…Guided Visualization Meditation: Create Your LifeMy Profile

    1. inspirations

      Great…thank you. Will definitely read

  5. Jimmy Clare

    The naysayers are the worst. Your tips are helpful though

  6. hari

    naysayers are simply put, energy suckers.
    don’t let them ruin your life and dreams.
    just block them.
    thanks for sharing this awesome post.
    so many valuable points here!

  7. Em

    I love this, thanks for sharing! We need these tips in our lives more!

  8. charmaine macdonald

    Unfortunately we all encounter people like this in our lives when we try to achieve success. It is important to know how to counter their negative effects on our life though. Great article, thanks for sharing.

  9. M Gaspary

    This post is a wonderful read. Thank you for the words. I needed to hear them today. 🙂

  10. Julie

    An important truth! Thanks for the inspiration. So many naysayers out there, which makes it essential to stay focused on our own dreams and lives. Sadly, I think insecurity has much to do with why many naysayers take to trying to crush others’ dreams—so chase your dreams!!!

  11. Cedric Noronha

    Very good post. Nicely written. Keep up the good work.

  12. Elle

    “Our body is powered by our minds. You are what you think, you become what you’ve been thinking”

    I absolutely agree with this. 😌
    Great post, I needed this today 🌻

  13. Amy

    Yes—what is life without a little risk!

  14. Madison

    Love these suggestions! I will for sure be keeping these in mind!

  15. Lilian

    Well written

  16. Silone

    naysayers will ever be naysayers. Those type of people try not to associate with them. I love how you said that in the long run that you’ll prove every single one of them wrong.
    Silone would like you to read…Hold Your Head High With ConfidenceMy Profile

    1. inspirations

      Yup…everyone of them…no problem will read it

  17. Tammy

    I really enjoyed reading your post! Your writing style is great. We seem to share a lot of the same thinking. I would like to link you to one of my posts Thank you for sharing and will be following.

    1. inspirations

      Thank you. No problem…We can only grow when we help and support each other. Support will be reciprocated

  18. Lina

    Great tips on handling the naysayers. Great post.

  19. Ryan

    Needed this! Thanks for the great inspiration.

  20. Erika Ravnsborg

    Good article. It’s good to have an idea on how to deal with people who want to bring you down.

  21. Anthony Walker

    This is so inspiring. By far, the best blog post I have read all day. I explored your website too…The name really speak for itself…You have some really inspiring posts. Really like your about page. All the very best. I also subscribed. Looking forward to other posts like this.

    1. inspirations

      So nice to hear. Thank you and all the best to you too.

  22. Leah

    I needed to read this today, thank you! I really felt that quote you shared too, “ the blind cannot see but they have vision.” I know you said it was something like that but how powerful!
    Leah would like you to read…Falling in Love Bridal Shower CookiesMy Profile

  23. Menstellar

    If one person cant do something, that doesn’t mean you cant do it. Understand, they are just reflecting their own capability and ability not yours. Dont stop, keep going
    Menstellar would like you to read…How to breakup with your girlfriend?My Profile

  24. Grace

    These are some great tips! Theres always going to people that say you can’t, but it’s so important to focus on the positive. Loved the post!!
    Grace would like you to read…How To Be More Productive By Doing LessMy Profile

  25. Michelle

    Love love love everything about this post!! It’s so inspirational and motivating, thanks for all the great tips!! ♡

  26. Gina

    Loved your post and so much inspiration.

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