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Day one or One day, you decide ~Unknown~

Day one or One day, you decide ~Unknown~

~Make up your mind~

We all can relate with this, right? You’ve been dreaming of riches, luxury and that slim figure but somehow it just stays a dream. You have so many ideas on how to elude poverty, lose weight or improve the unsatisfactory lifestyle you’ve been living; but day after day, new year after new year, you are still in the same shituation. In your dreams you are right there, living lavishly, frolicking on the beach in your two-piece bikini, even having a Buckingham palace attitude, but then you are awakened by your parent(s), your spouse, your child(ren) and it all ends. Reality has checked in like a hotel guest. It happens to the best of us, we want to escape a certain situation and the only time we do so is in our dreams. We have all these thoughts and ideas but they continue to remain just thoughts and ideas. Someday you say, someday, I will start. And as the days pass by some day never came. It never came because there are seven days in a week and someday is not one of them. I repeat, some day is not one of them.


~Stop Procrastinating~

We live is an age where procrastination should be a subject, we would all pass with flying colours. We just love to do things later. Not all of us are procrastinators; when it’s time to get things started, some don’t have the means, some don’t have the motivation, some just like to watch others do it and some are fearful of failure. Whichever category you might fit in, if you have ideas that you want to manifest and you haven’t figured out the difference between day one and one day, those amazing ideas will just be, hmm….ideas. So start that blog, start training for that marathon, start that cookbook, go back to school, let today be your day one, and let one day reside in the past where it belongs. Too often we forfeit on our dreams by not making them reality. For example, my main reason for procrastinating on commencing my blog was my fear that no one would be interested in what I will be writing. Yes, I too procrastinate, I don’t think I have met anyone in my life that procrastinates more than me. It’s that bad. I do everything later. But here I am writing blogs and putting my thoughts out there, hoping to inspire you in some way or the other.

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Decide what you want.Write it down. Make a plan and work towards it every single day

Questions to ask yourself

Now you might be saying, how do I turn one day into day one…just flip the words around. Easy? right? Maybe for a fraction of us but for most, it’s not. Ask yourself how bad do I want this? How will it change my life? What are the benefits that I will reap? And if you want it bad and it’s going to change your life a lot, for the better, then day one needs to be today. Start by taking baby steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day; everything needs time to manifest and grow. Read my previous blog on taking it easy here. Just think back to when you wanted that girl/boy so badly and you did everything to get her/his attention, then you finally got her/him, remember how you felt, like the luckiest person in the world, you were on cloud nine. Now imagine if you put that same level of commitment, consistency and determination into getting your dreams started and reaching those goals, cloud nine can become a permanent stop.

Don’t be afraid of the F-word

There might be times when you FAIL despite all that you have invested, like the time you failed your driving test miserably despite all the lessons you’ve taken. Remember how you felt leaving the driving centre with the realization that you still have to rely on someone for a ride or you couldn’t drive the car you received as a gift. Did you give up or you geared up again to take that test? Failure or the fear of often force us to stop or quit altogether, but what you need to understand is that failure is apart of success; it comes with the package. It’s a package deal. You see, if everything was so easy, we would all be rich. Which would actually be really great. (smile) Alternatively, maybe you have seen others fail and thought to yourself he/she is so creative and they have failed, wouldn’t the same happen to me? In life, try your very best not to compare yourself to others as the approach you will take and the approach they may have taken can be very different.  For example, the way I would climb a tree and the way you would do it might be very different. So because I didn’t reach the top of the tree, does not mean you will not get there either. Watch this video to be further inspired by clicking here.

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~Just do it~

So stop making excuses, stop procrastinating, stop waiting for the new year and start your day one today. Just imagine where you will be a year from now if you decide that today is day your day one. You would’ve made great progress and progress will certainly make you a little happy. And if you are happy, you will continue to make more progress. As I said, take baby steps, be consistent, have a plan because if you fail to plan that means you plan to fail. Don’t watch what others are doing, pay attention to what’s happening in your lane. Think about it, if you are driving and you keep watching how fast the other cars are going or how nice they look, you are going to get into an accident. Therefore, watching others can stagnate you. If you must watch others, let them inspire you. Do not envy them. So start your day one today because yesterday, you said tomorrow. Well guess what, tomorrow has arrived and it’s today. So as the infamous Nike motto states, just do it. It’s as simple as that, JUST DO IT. Until next time peeps, keep calm and blog on.


Come with me on this inspirational journey. I bring positive vibes and motivating words to inspire, empower and uplift your spirit.